1 Vocabulary Story 890 Hitler’s Evil Strategy
Hitler’s haughty rhetoric rationalized apportioning rights to
indigenous Germans and those compatible to his racial ideas. The Nazis
starkly followed racial purity ideas, apportioning food and social
advancement. They even meted out medical care, treating ariens lesions
before others.
g .
2 Vocabulary Story 890 Hitler’s Evil Strategy
Hitler’s arrogant speeches gave reasons for giving rights to
native Germans and those suitable to his racial ideas. The Nazis
strictly followed racial purity ideas, rationing food and social
advancement. They even handed out medical care, treating arien injuries
before others.
1 Vocabulary Story 886 The USA is Bankrupt
The USA is not solvent. However people in the government are giddy,
garnering large amounts by nebulous means. Bolstered by laws, legislators
and their confidants have money protruding from their bank accounts.
Thrifty representatives have been extirpated from the party, precepts
broken and sophistry used to justify the theft.
2 Vocabulary Story 886 The USA is Bankrupt
The USA is bankrupt. However; people in the government are excited,
raking in large amounts by shady means. Propped up by laws, legislators
and their friends have money bulging from their bank accounts.
Prudent representatives have been booted out of the party, rules
broken and false reasoning used to justify the theft.
1 Vocabulary Story 887 The High Point of the Confederacy
Gettysburg is the acme of the Confederate advance into the Union.
Lee was cantankerous, his quandary was a lack of supplies. He
became sanguine when a courier was intercepted.
He decided to attack into Pennsylvania. A line of Confederates emanated
across a field en masse met by Union Canon.
The brevity of this charge was amazing. After the battle, the carrion
covered battlefield was left derelict.
2 Vocabulary Story 887 The High Point of the Confederacy
Gettysburg is the highpoint of the Confederate advance into the Union.
Lee was distressed, his problem was a lack of supplies. He
became hopeful when a messenger was captured.
He decided to attack into Pennsylvania. A line of Confederates came
across a field all together met by Union Canon.
The briefness of this charge was amazing. After the battle, the body
covered battlefield was left as is.
1 Vocabulary Story 888 Englishman George Stephenson Invents the Locomotive
George Stephenson invented the first successful locomotives. This
new mode of transport changed the world. His vivacious charisma won
him a coterie of followers that were enthralled by him. He bought
a sumptuous productive estate.
One incident put a temporary damper on his career. A locomotive
exploded right at the portal of a tunnel, maiming many on lookers.
An arbiter cleared him of any blame.
2 Vocabulary Story 888 Englishman George Stephenson Invents the Locomotive
George Stephenson invented the first successful locomotives. This
new means of transport changed the world. His energetic charm won
him a cadre of followers that were wild for him. He bought
a rich productive estate.
One happening put a temporary cloud on his career. A locomotive
exploded right at the entrance of a tunnel, crippling many on lookers.
A judge cleared him of any blame.
Here then is my vocabulary list.
I have chosen all the words I have come across in my life.
A vocabulary is very personal; it reflects all the
knowledge and activities of a person.
I am a dabbler, so I have been exposed to a fair share of specialty words.
Of course, I have tried to include all the common words too.
English vocabulary is very rich and supports many interests and
Please feel free to look at it and use it in your projects.
Also your comments are welcome.
Common Word Story 5 Today’s Food
This story is made from randomly chosen common words.
I have picked ten words from this list: (see if you can also make a story)
grand mal
My story:
Today’s Food
Culinary standards have been garbled in today's USA. Gordon Ramsey
is presented as a grandee in Atlantic City. He has take a sledgehammer to the standard menu.
While offerings are variable, it is tacitly understood that his concoctions are fast food;
some even being boldly presented on styrofoam.
However; every noon, many people line up at his restaurant at Ceasar’s Palace Casino.
Food standards have been blurd in today's USA. Gordon Ramsey
is presented as a big shot in Atlantic City. He has take a wrecking ball to the standard menu.
While offerings are mixed, it is quietly understood that his listings are fast food;
some even being openly presented on paper plates.
However; every lunchtime, many people line up at his restaurant at Ceasar’s Palace Casino.
Will you please review this story.
This story was made from randomly choose words.
Darwin was a kingpin in classical zoology science. He had the usual tact
that came with British high birth in the 19th century. He abominated
violence but his theories created stupendous controversy.
It was a craze in his own time. People goaded him at conferences saying he was wrong as officious supporters defended him. He retreated to a conservancy
and became a recluse. He has maintained posthumous fame and honor as his ideas have been proven correct.
1 Vocabulary Story 903 Why People Stayed Around Vesuvius before the Eruption
The conditions around Mount Vesuvius in 79AD were ambiguous. The
land was rich, supporting a great modus vivendi with a limpid skies.
This inspired confidence, despite earthquakes.
People toiled on the slopes, garnering in fat juicy grapes. People felt
empowered to build right up to the edge of the sleeping volcano. It
was a heinous, flagrant, reckless thing to do in hindsight. The eruption
sent ash all the way into the hinterlands.
2 Vocabulary Story 903 Why People Stayed Around Vesuvius before the Eruption
The conditions around Mount Vesuvius in 79AD were contradictory. The
land was rich, supporting a great lifestyle with a clear skies.
This created confidence, in spite of earthquakes.
People worked on the slopes, taking in fat juicy grapes. People felt
able to build right up to the edge of the sleeping volcano. It
was a hateful, openly bad, fool hardy thing to do in retrospect. The eruption
sent ash all the way into the countryside.
1 Vocabulary Story 902 Nice Young Woman Enlivens Early TV
Early TV was listless with boring homogeneous programming. They
were asked to modify this in the face of viewer wrath. So, they got
a debutante with puppets in a baroque set. She used pantomime and
viewers construed the meaning. It was great.
A tell all book received under affidavit has recently fleshed
out the details.
2 Vocabulary Story 902 Nice Young Woman Enlivens Early TV
Early TV was tired with boring monotonous programming. They
were asked to change this in the face of viewer anger. So, they got
a pretty young woman with puppets in an ornate set. She used gestures and
viewers understood the meaning. It was great.
A tell all book received under oath has recently fleshed
out the details.
1 Vocabulary Story 926 The Problems of Youth
It’s an inalienable part of youth to be susceptible to bad ways.
Plucky youths go on nocturnal sprees giving baubles and booze. It’s
an anathema. It’s also a seasonal thing according to arrest records.
Pastors preach in stark prose to ameliorate the sad situation.
2 Vocabulary Story 926 The Problems of Youth
It’s an irremovable part of youth to be vulnerable to bad ways.
Spirited youths go on nightly jaunts giving trinkets and alcohol. It’s
also more prevalent during certain times of year according to arrest records.
It’s a hateful thing.
Pastors preach in clear unadorned speech to improve the sad situation.
1 Vocabulary Story 927 Graceland: Elvis Presley’s House
The gist of a visit to Graceland, Elvis Presley’s home, is he was
a voluble blatant vulgarian. Inanimate objects like his gaudy limos
show this.
It was inexorable that litigants attacked him to try to to claimants
to his stuff. Now Graceland is a museum and his fans come to worship
even the interstices of its sidewalks.
2 Vocabulary Story 927 Graceland: Elvis Presley’s House
The take away of a visit to Graceland, Elvis Presley’s home, is he was
a talkative outright rich crude person. Silent objects like his over showy limos
reveal this.
It was inevitable that suit bringers attacked him to try to lay claim
to his stuff. Now Graceland is a museum and his fans come to worship
even the cracks in its sidewalks.
1 Vocabulary Story 925 Silent Spring
After WW2, DD2 was proffered as a panacea against insects. The
public had reverence for science and adopted it with alacrity and
tractably used it.
Then data was gleaned and DD2 reviled as carcinogenic. Even restaurants
were affected. An elegy: The Silent Spring was written.
2 Vocabulary Story 925 Silent Spring
After WW2, DD2 was advertised as a cure-all against insects. The
public had respect for science and adopted it with haste and
obediently used it.
Then data was collected and DD2 criticized as cancer causing. Even restaurants
were involved. A sad book: The Silent Spring was written.
1 Vocabulary Story 918 Successful Fighter Aces Lived in the Zone
Successful fighter pilots were often estranged. They were nonchalant,
the periphery around them safe from the turbulence and extreme presentiment
of death.
The breadth of their success was often defiled, panned by the jealous.
Filigree was added to their uniforms as they got more kills.
2 Vocabulary Story 918 Successful Fighter Aces Lived in the Zone
Successful fighter pilots were often held distant. They were cool and confident
the space around them safe from the violence and extreme dread
of death.
The scope of their success was often sullied, criticized by the jealous.
Fancy braid was added to their uniforms as they got more kills.
1 Vocabulary Story 917 Gladiator’s Tricks
I wrote a thesis about gladiators in the hippodrome. Success
for new aspirants seems arbitrary. Opportunists cut their opponents
appendages when they were not ready. While this was considered corrupt
and got demerits, the bad image usually quickly dissipated and the
gladiator rose in rank.
Beaten submissive fighters were sparred if it would add interest
to the games.
2 Vocabulary Story 917 Gladiator’s Tricks
I wrote a study about gladiators in the arena. Success
for new hopefuls seems random. The unscrupulous cut their opponents
limbs when they were not ready. While this was considered bad
and got penalties, the bad image usually quickly was forgotten and the
gladiator rose in rank.
Beaten surrendering fighters were sparred if it would add interest
to the games.
1 Vocabulary Story 916 Butterfly Collectors Find Joy
There is a confraternity of butterfly collectors with older ones
giving avuncular advice. They vie to get rare species.
There is a lot of heinous drudgery and ominous weather at times
but perquisites also, as they evince their gossamer trophies,
the subject of panegyrics.
2 Vocabulary Story 916 Butterfly Collectors Find Joy
There is a brotherhood of butterfly collectors with older ones
giving uncle-like advice. They compete to get rare species.
There is a lot of dreadful slogging and threatening weather at times
but benefits also, as they demonstrate their glimmering trophies,
the subject of high praise.
1 Vocabulary Story 913 Abbess Teaches Bible Stories
The Abbess ran a tutorial about the bible which endeared her to
the little community around the convent. This appurtenance caused a renaissance
of interest in the Bible.
She taught about the clamor of the inundation of Noah and how
the Jews were afflicted by the Philistines with their bacchanals.
2 Vocabulary Story 913 Abbess Teaches Bible Stories
The Abbess ran a study class about the bible which made her liked in
the little community around the convent. This additional thing caused a re-birth
of interest in the Bible.
She taught about the uproar of the flood of Noah and how
Jews were troubled by the Philistines with their drunken parties.
1 Vocabulary Story 914 Civil War Doctor Tries to Cope
A plucky pedant doctor was sent to Civil War hospitals
to palliate suffering. He saw vituperation as patients wavered and
writhed as their limbs were amputated.
He was empowered to lessen things that exacerbated the situation and
stop the ineffectual. He prayed and abstained to get strength to carry
2 Vocabulary Story 914 Civil War Doctor Tries to Cope
A courageous scholarly doctor was sent to Civil War hospitals
to relieve suffering. He saw cursing as patients shook and
twisted as their limbs were cut off.
He was given authority to lessen things that worsened the situation and
stop the useless. He prayed and fasted to get strength to carry
1 Vocabulary Story 915 General Pilot of the Luftwaffe
Adolf Galland was peerless amongst the ME 109 pilots of the World
War Two Luftwaffe. We’d call him infamous, a premeditated murderer.
He took gusto in enlightening young pilots who held him to be omniscient.
He was vociferous in forwarding pristine axioms about aerial tactics.
One time he survived though his plane was shot up, porous with holes.
2 Vocabulary Story 915 General Pilot of the Luftwaffe
Adolf Galland was without equal amongst the ME 109 pilots of the World
War Two Luftwaffe. We’d call him notorious, a systematic murderer.
He took enjoyment in teaching young pilots who held him to be all knowing.
He was out spoken in forwarding pure principles of aerial tactics.
One time he survived though his plane was shot up, filled with holes.
1 Vocabulary Story 907 Early Music halls in New York City
The start of mucical theater in early NYC was spontaneous. The
rationation was to make a living in a nicer wat than at the docks,
laundries or factories. Impresarios purveyed musical shows that
have been traduced as cheap and low class, defiling the art of ‘real’
Crowds of workers jostled at the portals of the halls for a seat
on the benches. If singers added interest with nuances on old tunes,
they could prolong the longevity of their careers.
2 Vocabulary Story 907 Early Music halls in New York City
The start of mucical theater in early NYC was impromptu. The
reason was to make a living in a nicer way than at the docks,
laundries or factories. Managers provided musical shows that
have been criticized as cheap and low class, dirtying the art of ‘real’
Crowds of workers shoved at the entrances of the halls for a seat
on the benches. If singers added interest with novel twists on old tunes,
they could prolong the span of their careers.